Martes, Disyembre 18, 2012

 Module 3 and 4: Preliminary and Finalist Theories


1. Try to look at your parents or your guardians. When can you say they are being egoistic? Altruistic. Give one scenario for each.

             As a human being, parents even though they are already mature and grown up has this egoistic and altruistic nature hidden within them. As a person who has a guardian or parent it is naturally to consider that all they are doing is for the child's own sake. This we can say that they are being an altruist. However considering the kind of event or situation they are in may also affect they're nature. For example we can say in an egoistic point of view that a parent reason of scolding a child is that the child may have done some menace and because of this the parents great reputation are affected. This kind of thinking is true not maybe to all but to some parents whose status in life are in a high level. This kind of parents are too engulfed with their undisputed and untarnished reputation they build for many years that they could not afford to lose it just by a child.

2. If you are to assess yourself, what kind of a person are you? Are you an egoist, or an altruist? Discuss in relevance to your own experiences in computing.

            It is hard for a person to immediately assess his own identity especially when that person is still learning the journey of life and is growing by it. I myself is still on the process of knowing who really am I. However for the sake of this module question, I will share one of my current findings on my research about who really am I. This one thing that I discovered is that when people tried to ask for my help or assistance I had this sensation or desire to immediately ease their pain or suffering free of charge not asking for anything in return as long as it is within my power. My intent in doing this kind of charity is the feeling of being a great help to someone. It gives me great joy and accomplishment seeing someone relieved from their dilemma. It's like a large pin was pluck out in my heart. What is it's relevance on my study on computing? Well helping others boost my self-confidence not only on learning and solving computing problems but also on reaching-out those people whom I am not yet familiar with. I don't know if this altruistic nature of mine is just masking my inner egoistic nature but one thing is true. I love helping others.

3. As Aristotle says, “for as it is not one swallow or one fine day that makes a spring, so it is not one day or a short time that makes a man blessed and happy.” … Discuss in relevance to your own experiences in computing

             In life, happiness is the attainment of something satisfying. It is the greatest accomplishment anyone can gain. This then made every person to set their goals in life to attain this wonderful feeling. However, to attain such feeling means going through lots and lots of ups and downs, success and failure for a very long period of time. Well it is the part of the race and journey to one's goal. The only ways to attain it is to move forward. Keep on running until you reach the finish line. A single success in one day does not makes someone happy but it is the attainment of the goal he had worked so hard for years. One can be truly blessed and happy when he/she had done his very best up until the end of the race. This phrase of aristotle made me realized to continue every work I had started. It may took a long time but one's you are finished, you were surely feel satisfied. The main point of Aristotle is to not to GIVE UP cause someday somehow all your work will bear fruit.

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